PPRS New BrunswickPPRS Newfoundland and LabradorPPRS Nova ScotiaPPRS Northwest TerritoriesPPRS NunavutPPRS Prince Edward IslandPPRS Yukon

Glossary of Terms

PPRS-related terms are listed below.  This includes terms related to ACOL and PPRS.

Glossaries for other ACOL services are available here.



Goods that are installed in or affixed to other goods.


A monetary obligation not evidenced by chattel paper, a security or an instrument, whether or not the obligation has been earned by performance.

Account Debtor

A person who is obligated under an intangible or chattel paper.


ACOL is an on-line information service that provides electronic access to government information maintained by the four provincial governments of Atlantic Canada. This service is managed by Unisys Canada Inc. within a public/private partnership with the governments of New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.


The fee you or your ACOL account will be charged for performing a function, subject to special discounts or additional surcharges.

Additional Information

Fees for some, but not all, ACOL services are defined by legislation and regulations.

ACOL fees are automatically charged to the user’s ACOL account. If you are using a public access terminal without having set up your own account, your payment method will be determined by the providers of the public access terminal.

ACOL endeavors, wherever possible, to display an accurate fee before the user requests a service. However, fees for some services cannot be calculated at the time the user is requesting the service.

In some cases, the Fee displayed by the ACOL application may be reduced by temporary or volume discounts. In other cases, the ACOL service may additionally be subject to a surcharge to cover the cost, for example, of a value-added service or of access to a public access terminal.

ACOL Reference

Any number that you want to assign to an ACOL transaction for your own records. It can be a combination of up to 12 letters and numbers. Use of an ACOL Reference is always optional.

Additional Information

The ACOL Reference number can be used to identify an individual and/or a set of related transactions. For example, you could use the ACOL Reference to identify your file or customer.

The ACOL Reference appears in ACOL Account Statements as a user-specified identifier for the transaction.

ACOL Reference is also an optional parameter when performing an Account Statement Query (see help for Account Statement Query). This permits you to create reports which show your account activity (transactions) for a single ACOL reference.


The payment of money, the provision of credit or the giving of value and includes any liability of the debtor to pay interest, credit costs and other charges payable by the debtor in connection with an advance or the enforcement of a security interest securing the advance.


A machine capable of deriving support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air, other than a machine designed to derive support in the atmosphere from reactions against the earth’s surface of air expelled from the machine.

Applicant Spouse

In Nova Scotia, a spouse in whose favour an order in respect of matrimonial assets or business assets is made under the Matrimonial Property Act.

In New Brunswick, a spouse in whose favour an order in respect of household goods is made under the Marital Property Act.


Includes a secured party and a receiver.

Authority Level

Every ACOL user is assigned an authority level. The authority level determines what account and user information the user can view and change.

ACOL authority levels - Prime Contact, Contact and Basic - determine what ACOL Client Services functions the user will be able to perform. Prime Contact and Contact users are often described as "administrative users" because they are permitted to perform functions such as Reset Password, Account Status, Account Statement Query and changing other users’ User Information.


A vessel that is designed for transporting persons or things on water and that is propelled primarily by any power other than muscle power.


A structure, erection, mine or work built, constructed or opened on or in land.

Building Materials

Materials that are incorporated into a building and includes goods attached to a building so that their removal

  • would necessarily involve the dislocation or destruction of some other part of the building and cause substantial damage to the building, apart from the loss of value of the building resulting from the removal, or
  • would result in weakening the structure of the building or exposing the building to weather damage or deterioration,

but does not include

  • heating, air conditioning or conveyance devices, or
  • machinery installed in a building or on land for use in carrying on an activity in the building or on the land.


Bulletin board message postings providing general information for ACOL users.


A button is a rectangle with a text label or an iconic graphic inside. Select a button to initiate the corresponding action. Pause the pointer over a button to display a brief description of its action.

Chattel Paper

One or more writings that evidence both a monetary obligation and a security interest in, or a lease of, specific goods or specific goods and accessions.

Check Boxes

A check box appears as a square box with an accompanying label. When the choice is set, a check mark appears in the box. When the choice is not set, the check box is empty (similar to toggling a light switch).


As defined in Nova Scotia General Regulations:

  • a creditor who has applied for a warrant under the Collection Act,
  • an assignee for the general benefit of creditors under the Assignments and Preferences Act,

as the case may be.


As defined in New Brunswick General Regulations:

  • a person who has obtained a preservation order under Part 3 of the Enforcement of Money Judgments Act,

as the case may be.


Personal property that is subject to a security interest.

Commercial Consignment

A consignment under which goods are delivered for sale, lease or other disposition to a consignee who, in the ordinary course of the consignee’s business, deals in goods of that description, by a consignor who,

  • in the ordinary course of the consignor’s business, deals in goods of that description, and
  • reserves an interest in the goods after they have been delivered,

but does not include an agreement under which goods are delivered

  • to an auctioneer for sale, or
  • to a consignee for sale, lease or other disposition if the consignee is generally known to the creditors of the consignee to be selling or leasing goods of others.

Conditional Sale

Any agreement for the sale of goods that provides for a purchase money security interest, within the meaning of the Personal Property Security Act, in the goods sold in favour of the seller.

Consumer Goods

Goods that are used or acquired for use primarily for personal, family or household purposes.

Copy, cut, and paste

Data entry text fields support the following standard key combinations for copying, cutting and pasting text to and from the Windows clipboard.

Key Action
[Ctrl]+C Copy the selected (highlighted) text to the clipboard.
[Ctrl]+X Cut the selected (highlighted) text from the current field and place a copy in the clipboard.
[Ctrl]+V Paste the clipboard contents to the current cursor position in the field.
[Ctrl]+[Insert] Copy the selected (highlighted) text to the clipboard.
[Shift]+[Insert] Paste the clipboard contents to the current cursor position in the field.


Includes an assignee for the benefit of creditors, an executor, an administrator or a committee of a creditor.


Crops, whether or not matured, and whether naturally grown or planted, attached to land by roots or forming part of trees or plants attached to land, and includes trees only if they

  • are being grown as nursery stock,
  • are being grown for uses other than for the production of lumber and wood products, or
  • are intended to be replanted in another location for the purpose of reforestation.

Current Secured Party Number

Within PPRS, if you are making a global change to the name, address, and/or email address information of a holder of registered interests, the name, address, and/or email address information must first be changed using the Update Secured Party Number Information function on the PPRS Administration menu. If you have already done this, enter the secured party number of the holder of these interests in this field.

After you have entered the current and new secured party numbers, the system will display name,partial address and email information for the secured party numbers. If either number has been entered incorrectly, select the Cancel button to enter a new secured party number.

Date of Lien

The date on which, in respect of the motor vehicle that is subject to the claim of lien,

  • storage of the motor vehicle terminated;
  • repairs to the motor vehicle were completed; or
  • accessories for the motor vehicle were furnished.

Where the storage of the motor vehicle has not been terminated, the repairs have not been completed or not all of the accessories have been furnished, as the case may be, the registrant must indicate the current date in this field.


Within PPRS, a generic reference to any individual or enterprise identified in a registration as a Debtor, Judgment Debtor, Employer, Respondent Spouse or Execution Debtor.

Additional Information

As defined in PPSA, debtor means

  • a person who owes payment or performance of an obligation secured, whether or not that person owns or has rights in the collateral,
  • a person who receives goods from another person under a commercial consignment,
  • a lessee under a lease for a term of more than one year,
  • a transferor of an account or chattel paper,
  • a seller under a sale of goods without a change of possession,
  • [as stated in specific sections of the Act], the transferee of a debtor’s interest in the collateral, and
  • if the person referred to in paragraph (a) and the owner of the collateral are not the same person,
    • where the word "debtor" is used in a provision dealing with the collateral, an owner of the collateral,
    • where the word "debtor" is used in a provision dealing with the obligation, the obligor, and
    • where the context permits, both the owner and the obligor.



  • the failure to pay or otherwise perform the obligation secured when due, or
  • the occurrence of any event or set of circumstances whereupon, under the terms of the security agreement, the security interest becomes enforceable.

Document of Title

A writing issued by or addressed to a bailee

  • that covers goods in the bailee’s possession that are identified or that are fungible portions of an identified mass, and
  • in which it is stated that the goods covered by it will be delivered to a named person, or to the transferee of that person, or to bearer or to the order of a named person.

Electronic Cheque

Subject to financial agreements with ACOL, ACOL permits use of electronic cheques to transfer funds from your bank account to your ACOL account. This is an electronic funds transfer (EFT) which makes funds available immediately to the ACOL account’s users.

Electronic cheques are physically and logically similar to standard cheques. Each cheque must be signed and sent to take effect. Electronic cheques may be voided prior to being sent.

Additional Information

ACOL users who have electronic cheque signing authority are designated in your Client Application Form. To change the list of cheque signers (also called "EFT approvers") in your organization, contact the ACOL Client Support Centre .

A cheque may require more than one electronic signature. If there is a cheque waiting for another signature, it is displayed automatically when another signer selects the "Electronic Cheque" menu item.


Includes a partnership, body corporate, association, organization, estate of a deceased individual, estate of a bankrupt, trade union, trust, syndicate or joint venture, but does not include an individual.


Goods that are held by a debtor other than as inventory or consumer goods.

Execution Creditor

In the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, a person who is entitled to enforce the payment of money by a writ of execution under the Seizures Act or the Federal Court Act (Canada).

Execution Debtor

In the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, a person liable for the payment of money by a writ of execution under the Seizures Act or the Federal Court Act (Canada).


Fields are labeled sections of a screen, which display information or provide a place for the user to enter or change information.

Financing Change Statement

The data authorized by the regulations to be entered in the Registry to renew, discharge or otherwise amend a registration.

Financing Statement

The data authorized by the regulations to be entered in the Registry to effect a registration.


Does not include building materials.

Future Advance

An advance, whether or not made pursuant to an obligation and includes advances and reasonable costs incurred and expenditures made for the protection, maintenance, preservation or repair of the collateral.

Garage Keeper

A person who keeps a place of business for the storage, repair or maintenance of a motor vehicle and who receives compensation for that storage repair or maintenance.

General Collateral

Within PPRS, a description of collateral that is not serial numbered goods or is inventory.

Additional Information:

The PPSA General Regulations describe how the registrant should describe general collateral:

  • a description of the collateral by item or kind or by reference to one or more of the following: "goods", "document of title", "chattel paper", "security", "instrument", "money" or "intangible",
  • a statement that a security interest is taken in all of the debtor’s present and after-acquired personal property, or
  • a statement that a security interest is taken in all of the debtor’s present and after-acquired personal property except specified items or kinds of personal property or except one or more of the following: "goods", "document of title", "chattel paper", "security", "instrument", "money" or "intangible".


As defined in the Personal Property Security Act,

tangible personal property, fixtures, crops and the unborn young of animals but does not include a document of title, chattel paper, a security, an instrument, money or trees, other than crops, until they are severed or minerals until they are extracted.



  • a bill of exchange, note or cheque within the meaning of the Bills of Exchange Act (Canada),
  • any other writing that evidences a right to payment of money and is of a type that in the ordinary course of business is transferred by delivery with any necessary endorsement or assignment, and
  • a letter of credit or an advice of credit if the letter or advice states that it must be surrendered on claiming payment under it,

but does not include

  • a document of title, chattel paper or a security, or
  • a writing that provides for or creates a mortgage or charge in respect of an interest in land that is specifically identified in the writing.


Personal property that is not goods, a document of title, chattel paper, a security, an instrument or money.


Goods that are

  • held by a person for sale or lease, or that have been leased by that person as lessor,
  • to be furnished or that have been furnished under a contract of service,
  • raw materials or work in progress, or
  • materials used or consumed in a business or profession.

Issuance Date

In a registration of a Federal Writ of Execution in the Northwest Territories or in Nunavut, Issuance Date means the date of issuance of the writ of execution to which the registration relates.

Judgment Creditor

A person in whose favour there is a subsisting money judgment.

Judgment Debtor

A person against whom there is a subsisting money judgment.

List Boxes

List boxes look like one-line text fields, but feature a down arrow symbol at the end of the field. They feature a pre-defined set of values which are valid for that field. To select a value from the List box, do any of the following:

  • use the mouse to click on the down arrow symbol to display the list of values, then use the mouse or the up and down arrow keys to highlight a value;
  • use the up and down arrow keys to display each item in the list; or
  • press the key corresponding to the first letter of any item in the list.

Maintenance Order

In Northwest Territories and Nunavut, a maintenance order under the Maintenance Orders Enforcement Act. In Yukon, a maintenance order under the Maintenance Enforcement Act.

Menu Bar

The menu bar is a horizontal list of drop-down menus. The menu bar appears immediately below the title bar. Menu items that are not currently accessible are displayed in faded text.


Includes oil, gas and hydrocarbons.

Mobile Home

A structure, whether ordinarily equipped with wheels or not, that is not self-propelled and is designed

  • to be moved from one place to another by being towed or carried, and
  • to be used as a dwelling house or premises, a business office or premises, or accommodation for any other purpose.


A medium of exchange authorized by the Parliament of Canada as part of the currency of Canada or authorized or adopted by a foreign government as part of its currency.

Motor Vehicle

A mobile device that is propelled primarily by any power other than muscle power

  • in, on or by which a person or thing may be transported or drawn, and that is designed for use on a road or natural terrain, or
  • that is being used in the construction or maintenance of roads,

and includes a pedal bicycle with a motor attached, a combine or a tractor, but does not include a device that runs on rails or machinery designed only for use in farming, other than a combine or a tractor.

In the case of a Garage Keepers Lien in the Northwest Territories or in Nunavut, a "motor vehicle" is as defined in the Motor Vehicles Act.

New Secured Party Number

Within PPRS, if you are making a global change to the name, address, and/or email address of a holder of registered interests, the name, address, and/or email address information must first be changed using Update Secured Party Number Information function on the PPRS Administration menu. If you have already done this, enter in this field the same secured party number as you entered for the 'Current Registered Interest'.

After you have entered the current and new secured party numbers, the system will display name, partial address, and email information for the secured party numbers. If either number has been entered incorrectly, select the Cancel button to enter a new secured party number.

Notice to Secured Party

Within PPRS, a Notice to Secured Party is a system-generated report sent to every secured party listed in a registration when the registration is amended, discharged or re-registered.

Additional Information:

The Notice to Secured Party includes the registration family history and all registration details at the time of the amendment, discharge or re-registration, including identification of the registrant. This provides the secured party with the opportunity to correct an accidental, incorrect or fraudulent registration change.

The Notice to Secured Party is sent as follows:

  • If a secured party listed in the registration has Send NSP by email checkbox checked, a Notice to Secured Party is sent to the email address provided.

  • If a secured party listed in the registration was entered via the use of a secured party number or the "Same as Registrant" facility, the Notice to Secured Party will be sent electronically to the secured party number administrator. An exception to this rule is that if the secured party number has been made inactive (see help for ACOL CSC Update), the Notice to Secured Party will be sent either by email, if that delivery option was chosen, or by surface mail to the name and address listed in the registration.

  • If a secured party listed in the registration was entered, without using a secured party number, by typing the name, address and contact information, and if the email delivery option was not chosen, the Notice to Secured Party will be sent by surface mail to the name and address listed in the registration.

Obligation Secured

For the purpose of determining the amount payable under a lease that secures payment or performance of an obligation,

  • the amount originally contracted to be paid as rent under the lease,
  • any other amount payable under the terms of the lease, and
  • the amount, if any, required to be paid by the lessee to obtain ownership of the collateral,

less any amount paid before the determination.

Order Date

In a registration of a Maintenance Orders Enforcement Act Order in the Northwest Territories or in Nunavut, Order Date means the date of the maintenance order to which the registration relates.


A person who engages in the business of granting credit to individuals for personal, family or household purposes and who

  • takes and perfects security interests in consumer goods by taking possession of them, or
  • purchases consumer goods under agreements or undertakings, express or implied, that the goods may be repurchased by the sellers.

Personal Property

Goods, a document of title, chattel paper, a security, an instrument, money or an intangible.

Pop-up Screens

Pop-up screens are small windows that typically display a context-sensitive message (that is, related to your current activity). You must select one of the buttons displayed on the pop-up in order to continue your work.


The Personal Property Registry as defined by the Personal Property Security Act (see "PPRS", "PPSA (NB)", "PPSA (NL)", "PPSA (NS)", "PPSA (PEI)", "PPSA (NT)", and "PPSA (NU)").

In ACOL PPRS, Personal Property Registry and its acronym (PPR) are also used to refer to the “Personal Property Security Registry” and its acronym (PPSR) as defined by the Yukon Personal Property Security Act (see “PPSA (YT)”).

PPR Client Information

Within PPRS, PPR client information lists client number, name, address, email address information, and contact information for your organization. Your PPR Administrative User enters and maintains this information. This information is required for each province/territory in which users in your organization will perform registrations.

Current PPR client information is permanently stored with the registration whenever a user in your organization performs a registration or registration change.

Email Address information is only displayed to registrants, whether registering, amending, discharging, re-registering, or renewing. The email information does not appear on Search Result Reports or Notice to Secured Party reports.


The Personal Property Registry System. The ACOL-supported system that is used to make registrations and conduct searches in the PPR (see "PPR").


The Personal Property Security Act (PPSA), Chapter P-7.1, came into effect on April 18, 1995. On that date, a number of existing acts were amended and the following acts repealed:

  • Bills of Sale Act
  • Conditional Sales Act
  • Assignment of Book Debts Act
  • Corporation Securities Registration Act
  • Forest Products Loans Act


The Personal Property Security Act (PPSA), Chapter P-7.1, 1998 was assented to by the House of Assembly on December 15, 1998, and later proclaimed with the commencement of the new system. A number of existing acts were amended and the following acts repealed:

  • Assignment of Book Debts Act
  • Bills of Sale Act
  • Conditional Sales Act
  • Part I, II, and III of the Security Interest Registration Act


The Personal Property Security Act (PPSA), S.N.S. 1995-96, C. 13, is a new act of the Nova Scotia Legislature that reforms the system for registering security interests. The Act was passed in the House of Assembly in January 1996, and later proclaimed with the commencement of the new system. A number of existing acts were amended and the following acts repealed:

  • Bills of Sale Act
  • Conditional Sales Act
  • Assignment of Book Debts Act
  • Corporations Securities Registration Act
  • Bulk Sales Act
  • Instalment Payment Contracts Act
  • Personal Property Lien Registry Act

Part of the reform process included an amendment to the Creditors’ Relief Act, whereby the PPSA permits the registration of notices of judgment and notices of claim against personal property.


The Personal Property Security Act, S.N.W.T. 1994, c. 8, was enacted, but not proclaimed, in the Legislative Assembly in 1994. The electronic registry supports the new Personal Property Security Act, proclaimed with the commencement of the new system. A number of existing acts were amended and the following acts repealed:

  • Assignment of Book Debts Act
  • Bills of Sale Act
  • Conditional Sales Act
  • Corporation Securities Registration Act
  • Document Registry Act


The Personal Property Security Act, S.N.W.T. 1994, c. 8, as duplicated for Nunavut pursuant to section 29 of the Nunavut Act (Canada), was inherited from the Northwest Territories. The electronic registry supports the new Personal Property Security Act, proclaimed with the commencement of the new system. A number of existing acts were amended and the following acts repealed:

  • Assignment of Book Debts Act
  • Bills of Sale Act
  • Conditional Sales Act
  • Corporation Securities Registration Act
  • Document Registry Act


The Personal Property Security Act, S.P.E.I. 1997, Cap. 33, was passed in the Legislative Assembly and given royal assent in May 1997. Subsequently, Act to Amend the Personal Property Security Act, Cap. 67 was assented to December 24, 1997. The electronic registry supports the new Personal Property Security Act, proclaimed with the commencement of the new system. A number of existing acts were amended and the following acts repealed:

  • Assignment of Book Debts Act
  • Bills of Sales Act
  • Bulk Sales Act
  • Conditional Sales Act
  • Corporation Securities Registration Act
  • Personal Property Security Act (1990)
  • Potato Crop Mortgage Act (1988)


The Yukon Personal Property Security Act, RSY 2002, c. 169, originally came into force 1 June 1982. Act amendments include the Personal Property Security Registry (Electronic) Amendments Act, RSY 2015, c. 5, which enables an electronic registry such as provided by ACOL PPRS.


Includes typed, stamped or machine printed.

Prior Security Interest

As defined in the Personal Property Security Act, an interest created by or provided for under a valid security agreement or other transaction entered into before the commencement of the Act that is a security interest within the meaning of the Act and to which the Act would have applied if it had been in force when the security agreement or other transaction was entered into.


1.  Means

  • identifiable or traceable personal property that is derived directly or indirectly from any dealing with collateral or proceeds of collateral and in which the debtor acquires an interest,
  • an insurance or other payment that represents indemnity or compensation for loss of or damage to collateral or proceeds of collateral, or a right to such a payment, and
  • a payment made in total or partial discharge or redemption of chattel paper, a security, an instrument or an intangible.

2.  Proceeds as defined in the Personal Property Security Act.


Taking by sale, lease, discount, assignment, negotiation, mortgage, pledge, lien, issue, reissue, gift or any other consensual transaction creating an interest in property.

Purchase Money Security Interest


  • a security interest taken in collateral to the extent that it secures all or part of the purchase price of the collateral,
  • a security interest taken in collateral by a person who gives value for the purpose of enabling the debtor to acquire rights in the collateral, to the extent that the value is applied to acquire the rights,
  • the interest of a lesser of goods under a lease for a term of more than one year, and
  • the interest of a consignor who delivers goods to a consignee under a commercial consignment,

but does not include a transaction of sale by and lease back to the seller, and for the purposes of this definition, "purchase price" and "value" include interest, credit costs and other charges payable for the purchase or loan credit.

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons appear as two or more circles, with one and only one of the circles featuring a dark dot in the center. The dark dot indicates the current value selected. Each circle (button) represents a mutually exclusive option.


Includes a receiver manager


The person who enters data in the Registry in relation to a registration.


The Registrar of the Personal Property Registry appointed pursuant to the Personal Property Security Act.

Registration Family

The registration originally entered in the Registry and all subsequent registrations that renew, amend, re-register or discharge that registration.

Registration Number

Within PPRS, a number assigned by the system (PPRS) when a registration is successfully added to the Registry (database).

The registration number is unique within the provincial/territorial Registry. Every registration, whether an original registration, or a subsequent change (amendment, renewal, discharge, re-registration or global change), is assigned its own registration number.

Additional Information:

On successful completion of a registration, the registration number assigned by the system (PPRS) is reported to the registrant via the Verification Statement report.

The registration number is also included in Search Result Reports and Notice to Secured Party reports.


The Personal Property Registry established by the Personal Property Security Act.


In Yukon, a person against whom an order in respect of assets is made under the Maintenance Enforcement Act.

Respondent Spouse

In Nova Scotia, a spouse against whom an order in respect of matrimonial assets or business assets is made under the Matrimonial Property Act.

In New Brunswick, a spouse against whom an order in respect of household goods is made under the Marital Property Act.

Sale of Goods without a Change of Possession

A sale of goods that is not accompanied by an immediate delivery and an actual, apparent and continued change of possession of the goods sold, but does not include a sale of goods in the ordinary course of business of the seller, and for the purposes of this definition, "sale" includes an assignment, transfer, conveyance, declaration of trust or any other agreement or transaction, not intended to secure payment or performance of an obligation, by which an interest in goods is conferred.

Same as Registrant

If you answer "Yes" to the question, the remaining fields will be filled for you, as appropriate.

If you answer "No" to the question, but fill in the Secured Party Number, the remaining fields will be filled for you, as appropriate.

If you answer No to the question and leave the Secured Party Number field blank, you must indicate whether the holder of the interest is an Enterprise or an Individual and then fill in the appropriate fields yourself.


As defined by PPSA General Regulations, an electronically reproduced image that is used for the purpose of verifying data entry in the Registry.

Search Result Report

Within PPRS, upon request, one Search Result Report is sent to a searcher as part of a search of one or more provincial/territorial Registries. The Search Result Report includes:

  • the type of search and the search criteria used;
  • the date and time when each provincial/territorial registry was searched;
  • a summary of the exact and inexact matches found in each province/territory searched;
  • registration family details for all registrations selected by the searcher to be included in the report.

Secured Party

Within PPRS, a generic reference to any individual or enterprise identified in a registration as a Secured Party, Judgment Creditor, Claimant, Receiver, Applicant Spouse, Employee, Execution Creditor, Garage Keeper.

Additional Information:

As defined in the Personal Property Security Act, secured party means

  • a person who has a security interest,
  • a person who holds a security interest for the benefit of another person, or
  • a trustee, if a security interest is embodied in a trust indenture.

Secured Party Number

Within PPRS, a number issued by a province/territory to a client to represent the client’s name and address for purposes of registering an interest in the province’s/territory’s PPR.

Additional Information:

Within PPRS, a secured party number can be specified by any user when entering (new) or amending a registration instead of typing the name, address and contact information for a secured party. This use of a secured party number is always optional.

Use of a secured party number in a registration (i.e. instead of typing the name, address, email address, and contact information) impacts how the secured party will receive its Notice to Secured Party in the event of a change to the registration.

Email Address information is only displayed to registrants, whether registering, amending, discharging, re-registering, or renewing. The email information does not appear on Search Result Reports or Notice to Secured Party reports.

Secured Party Number Administrator

Within PPRS, the user who has responsibility for maintaining information and receiving Notices to Secured Party for a secured party number.

Additional Information:

Within PPRS, every secured party number has an administrator identified by an ACOL user-ID. This user-ID is automatically captured by the system when a user creates a secured party number (see help for Create New Secured Party Number). This user-ID can be changed to another active and authorized user-ID by making a request to the ACOL CSC.

The secured party administrator is responsible for both:

Secured Party Number Information

Within PPRS, secured party number information lists name, address, email address, and contact information for a secured party number in a particular province/territory. Secured party number administrators enter and maintain this information. The secured party number is assigned by the system on behalf of the provincial/territorial Registrar.

A secured party number can be specified by any user when entering (new) or amending a registration instead of typing the name, address, email address, and contact information for a secured party.

Email Address information is only displayed to registrants, whether registering, amending, discharging, re-registering, or renewing. The email information does not appear on Search Result Reports or Notice to Secured Party reports.


A writing, whether or not in the form of a security certificate, that

  • is recognized in the jurisdiction in which it is issued or dealt with as evidencing a share, participation or other interest in property or an enterprise, or that evidences an obligation of the issuer, and
  • in the ordinary course of business is transferred
  • by delivery with the necessary endorsement, assignment or registration in the records of the issuer or of an agent of the issuer, or by compliance with restrictions on transfer, or
  • by an entry in the records of a clearing agency,

but does not include a writing that provides for or creates a mortgage or charge in respect of an interest in land that is specifically identified in the writing.

Security Agreement

An agreement that creates or provides for a security interest, and where the context permits, includes

  • an agreement that creates or provides for a prior security interest, and
  • a writing that evidences a security agreement.

Security Interest

An interest in personal property that secures payment or performance of an obligation.

Additional Information:


  • an interest in personal property that secures payment or performance of an obligation, but does not include the interest of a seller who has shipped goods to a buyer under a negotiable bill of lading or its equivalent to the order of the seller or to the order of an agent of the seller, unless the parties have otherwise evidenced an intention to create or provide for a security interest in the goods, and
  • the interest of
    • a consignor who delivers goods to a consignee under a commercial consignment,
    • a lessor under a lease for a term of more than one year,
    • a transferee under a transfer of an account or a transfer of chattel paper, and
    • a buyer under a sale of goods without a change of possession, that does not secure payment or performance of an obligation.

In the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, a security interest does not include "a buyer under a sale of goods without a change of possession".

In Yukon, "security interest" means an interest in goods, documents of title, investment property, chattel paper, instruments, money, or intangibles that secures payment or performance of an obligation, and includes

    (a) an interest arising from an assignment of accounts or a transfer of chattel paper,
    (b) an interest of a person who delivers goods to another under a consignment, and
    (c) an interest of a lessor under a lease of goods for a term of one year or more,

even though the interests described in paragraphs (a) to (c) may not secure payment or performance of an obligation, but does not include the interest of a seller who has shipped goods to a buyer under a negotiable bill of lading to the buyer’s own order or to the order of the buyer’s agent, unless the parties have otherwise evidenced an intention to create or provide for a security interest.

Security with a Clearing Agency

A security

  • in the form of a security certificate
  • in bearer form,
  • endorsed in blank by an appropriate person, or
  • registered in the name of the clearing agency or its nominee or custodian,

that is in the custody of the clearing agency, or

  • not in the form of a security certificate and that is registered or recorded in the records maintained by or on behalf of the issuer in the name of a clearing agency or its nominee or custodian.

Serial Numbered Collateral

A motor vehicle, trailer, mobile home, aircraft, boat or an outboard motor for a boat, as defined in the General Regulation under the Personal Property Security Act.

Serial Numbered Goods

A motor vehicle, trailer, mobile home, aircraft, boat or an outboard motor for a boat.

Special Keys and Short-cut Keys

Many special keys and shortcut keys are available to assist moving around and to help you enter information. These keys make it possible to perform work without using a pointing device such as a mouse.

Most special keys and shortcut keys behave the same as they do in other Windows applications.

Specific Goods

Goods identified and agreed on at the time a security agreement in respect of those goods is made.

Title Bar

Displays the name of the application along the top of a window.


A self-propelled vehicle that is designed primarily for drawing other vehicles or machines.


A device in, on or by which a person or thing may be transported or drawn that is not self-propelled and that is designed to be drawn on a road by a motor vehicle but does not include a mobile home.

Trust Indenture

A deed, indenture or document, however designated, by the terms of which a person issues or guarantees or provides for the issue or guarantee of debt obligations secured by a security interest and in which another person is appointed as trustee for the holders of the debt obligations issued, guaranteed or provided for under it.


Any consideration sufficient to support a simple contract and includes an antecedent debt or liability, and "new value" is value other than an antecedent debt or liability.

Vehicle Identification Number

Typically 17 characters long, the unique identification number attached to a motor vehicle by the manufacturer. The vehicle identification number (VIN) is usually visible through the front window on the driver’s-side dash and is printed on motor vehicle registration documents.

Verification Statement

Within PPRS, a verification statement is a system-generated report sent to the registrant on successful completion of any registration, including:

  • new (original) registration
  • renewal
  • amendment
  • discharge
  • re-registration
  • global change of registered interest.


See Vehicle Identification Number.