PPRS New BrunswickPPRS Newfoundland and LabradorPPRS Nova ScotiaPPRS Northwest TerritoriesPPRS NunavutPPRS Prince Edward IslandPPRS Yukon

Value-Added Service Providers

This list of businesses is provided by ACOL to help you identify organizations that can assist in the registration or search of the PPR. This list is not an endorsement of capabilities for any of the organizations name. ACOL accepts no responsibility for the transactions carried out on behalf of a client.

If you would like your company to be listed here, contact the ACOL Client Support Centre or let us know by Email.

The companies are listed alphabetically within the following regional groups:



Atlantic Canada

AAA-Atlantic Advantage Access (a division of DOCU-TEK Inc.)
242 Dundonald Street
Fredericton, NB  E3B 1W9
Phone: 506-453-0653
Fax: 506-453-0727
Email: docutek@nb.aibn.com
Contact: Judy M. Lane
Terry G. Fitzgerald
Language of Service: French, English

ACIS Atlantic Corporate Information Services
Division of RI Group Inc.

371 Brunswick Street
Fredericton, NB  E3B 1H2
Phone: 506-450-4494
Fax: 506-459-4611
Email: info@rigroup.ca
Contact: Sarah MacDonald
Language of Service: English, French

Abstract & Auxiliary Services Ltd.
Site D, Box 7
20 - 22 Meadow Heights
Portugal Cove, NL  A0A 3K0
Phone: 709-895-2795
Fax: 709-895-3872
Pager: 709-553-5480
Email: aasi@nf.sympatico.ca
Contact: Jenny Sweeney
Language of Service: English

Bingham Robinson MacLennan Ehrhardt Teed
Heritage Court, Suite 300
95 Foundry Street
Moncton, NB  E1C 5H7
Phone: 506-857-8856
Fax: 506-857-2017
Contact: Angela J. Ryan

Butlers Searching
4651 Heritage Drive
Tracy, NB  E5L 1C6
Phone: 506-260-6607
506-260-6605 (Deena)
506-260-6604 (Juanita)
Fax: 506-368-7890
Language of Service: English

Charlotte County Searching Services Ltd.
48 Bedford Lane
Oak Haven, NB  E3L 3V6
Phone: 506-466-8233
Fax: 506-466-5539
Email: ccssltd@xplornet.com
Contact: Tammy Bedford
Language of Service: English

Credifax Atlantic Limited
21 Williams Avenue, Suite 4
Dartmouth, NS  B3B 1X3
Phone: 902-450-5070
Fax: 902-450-5220
Email: reports@credifax.com
Contact: Amanda Noel

Credit Information Services (Nfld.) Ltd.
55 Bond Street, Suite 203
St. John’s, NL  A1C 5W2
Phone: 709-754-3992
Fax: 709-753-1930
Contact: Jennifer Sparkes
Liam Halley
Language of Service: English

Creighton, Shatford and Drysdale
14 Electric Street
P.O. Box 398
Amherst, NS  B4H 3Z5
Phone: 902-667-8490
Fax: 902-667-6081
Contact: Paul Drysdale

Document Searching Services
60 Charlotte Street
Saint John, NB  E2L 2H9
Phone: 506-658-1525
Fax: 888-658-0314
Internet: docsearch.ca
Email: search@docsearch.ca
Contact: Jeffrey A. Peterson
Language of Service: English, French
242 Dundonald Street
Fredericton, NB  E3B 1W9
Phone: 506-453-0653
Fax: 506-453-0727
Email: docutek@nb.aibn.com
Contact: Judy M. Lane
Terry G. Fitzgerald
Language of Service: French, English

Eastern Recovery Services Limited
230 Wyse Road, Suite 4
Dartmouth, NS  B3A 1M9
Phone: 902-479-4100
Fax: 902-479-4110
Contact: Ed O’Keefe

Gorman Nason
121 Germain Street
P.O. Box 7286, Station A
Saint John, NB  E2L 4S6
Phone: 506-634-8600
Fax: 506-634-8685
Internet: www.GormanNason.com
Email: fph@GormanNason.com
Contact: Frank P. Hamm
Language of Service: English

Groupecho Canada Inc.
405 Sackville Drive, Suite 204
Lower Sackville, NS  B4C 2R9
Phone: 902-869-2006
Fax: 902-865-5336
Internet: www.groupecho.com
Email: dlepine@groupecho.com
Contact: Danielle Lepine
Language of Service: English, French

Historical Title Researcher & PPSA Services
P.O. Box 68
Canso, NS  B0H 1H0
Phone: 902-366-2172
Fax: 902-366-2172
Email: casi.anderson@ns.sympatico.ca
Contact: Marta Anderson
Language of Service: English, Spanish

Infofax Research Limited
1161 Hollis Street, Suite 9
P.O. Box 2
Halifax, NS  B3J 2L4
Phone: 902-425-4444
Fax: 902-429-9990
Email: infofax@hfx.eastlink.ca
Contact: Andrea Caldwell

JFO Holdings Limited
PO Box 23090
Moncton, NB  E1A 6S8
Phone: 506-859-0484
Fax: 506-382-1470
Email: fjm@nbnet.nb.ca
Contact: Floyd Meunier
Language of Service: English

King, Senior, Penney
37 West Street
Corner Brook, NL  A2H 2Y6
Phone: 709-634-9888
Fax: 709-634-1497
Contact: David A. King, Lawyer
Deanne Penney, Lawyer

McInnes Cooper
1300-1969 Upper Water Street
P.O. Box 730
Halifax, NS  B3J 2V1
Phone: 902-425-6500
Fax: 902-425-63505
Internet: www.mcinnescooper.com
Email: deborah.patterson@mcinnescooper.com
Contact: Deborah Patterson
Language of Service: English, French

Metropolitan Credit Services Ltd.
3845 Dutch Village Road, Suite 203
Halifax, NS  B3L 4H9
Phone: 902-455-0488
Fax: 902-454-5511
Contact: Daphnee Viau

oneSource Research Inc.
P.O. Box 23051
St. John’s, NL  A1B 4J9
Pager/Voice Mail: 709-570-6316
Fax: 709-753-7042
877-777-1461 (toll free)
Internet: www.onesourceresearch.com
Email: onesource@nfld.com
Contact: John Neary
Wayne Dawe

PPSA Filing & Searching Services
1161 Hollis Street, Suite 9
P.O. Box 2
Halifax, NS  B3J 2L4
Phone: 888-356-4636
Fax: 888-878-7772
Email: infofax@hfx.eastlink.ca
Contact: Andrea Caldwell

Paper Trace Ltd.
272 Frecker Drive
St. John’s, NL  A1E 5S6
Phone: 709-745-7108
Fax: 709-745-1904
Contact: Elvie Briffett
Kristi Avery
Language of Service: English

Patterson Law
510-1718 Argyle Street
Halifax NS  B3J 3N6
Phone: 902-405-8000
888-897-2001 (toll free)
Fax: 902-405-8001
Internet: pattersonlaw.ca
Email: rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca
Contact: Robert L. Mellish

Patterson Law
10 Church Street
PO Box 1068
Truro NS  B2N 5B9
Phone: 902-897-2000
888-897-2001 (toll free)
Fax: 902-893-3071
Internet: pattersonlaw.ca
Email: rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca
Contact: Robert L. Mellish

Record Research of Nova Scotia, Limited
1781 Chestnut Street
Halifax, NS  B3H 3T7
Phone: 902-425-8718
Fax: 902-425-1709
Contact: Jim McDonald, President

Stewart McKelvey - Charlottetown
65 Grafton Street
Charlottetown, PE  C1A 1K8
Phone: 902-892-2485
Internet: www.stewartmckelvey.com
Email: charlottetown@stewartmckelvey.com
Contact: Iona Eddy

Stewart McKelvey - Halifax
Queen’s Marque
600-1741 Lower Water Street
Halifax NS B3J 0J2
Phone: 902-420-3200
Internet: www.stewartmckelvey.com
Email: halifax@stewartmckelvey.com
Contact: Iona Eddy

Stewart McKelvey - Saint John
Suite 1000, Brunswick House
44 Chipman Hill
Saint John NB E2L 2A9
Phone: 506-632-1970
Internet: www.stewartmckelvey.com
Email: saint-john@stewartmckelvey.com
Contact: Iona Eddy

Stewart McKelvey - St. John’s
Suite 1100, Cabot Place
100 New Gower Street
St. John’s, NL  A1C 6K3
Phone: 709-722-4270
Internet: www.stewartmckelvey.com
Email: st-johns@stewartmckelvey.com
Contact: Iona Eddy

TitleCor Research Inc.
181 Westmorland Street, Suite 304 A
Fredericton, NB  E3B 3L6
Phone: 506-450-4494
Fax: 506-459-4611
Internet: titlecor.ca
Email: sarah@titlecor.ca
Contact: Janet Parks
Angela McDonald
Language of Service: English

Wickwire Holm
1801 Hollis Street, Suite 2100
Halifax, NS  B3J 3N4
Phone: 902-429-4111
Fax: 902-429-8215
Internet: bwbllp.ca



Central Canada

Borg Process Servers Inc.
365 Evans Avenue, #604
Toronto ON  M8Z 1K2
Phone: 416-746-4437
Fax: 416-746-2329
Contact: Michael Borg
Language of Service: English

Canadian Business Information Services
1407 Main Street East
Box 3128
Hamilton, ON  L8H 7K6
Phone: 800-563-7579, ext. 6229
Fax: 800-267-3233
Contact: Deb Konyi
Email: sales@cbso.ca
Language of Service: English, French

Canadian Securities Registration Systems
180 Dundas Street West, Suite 2605
Toronto, ON  M5G 1Z8
Phone: 800-254-3094
Fax: 416-204-3004
Internet: www.csrs.ca
Email: Customer Care Department
Language of Service: English, French (limited)

Centro Legal Works Inc.
425 University Avenue, Suite 605
Toronto, ON  M5G 1T6
Phone: 877-239-6616
Fax: 877-239-0244
Email: search@centrolegalworks.com
Contact: Joe Borrelli
Corrina Mcdonald

Credit Risk Management Canada
90 Erie Street
PO Box 96
Stratford, ON  N5A 6S8
Phone: 800-267-0490
Fax: 800-350-7772
Internet: uplevel.registrycomplete.com

Dye & Durham Co. Inc.
A Division of the Cartwright Group Ltd.

439 University Avenue, Suite 1600
Toronto, ON  M5G 1Y8
Phone: 800-668-8208
Fax: 800-667-3146
Internet: dyedurham.ca
Email: search_registration@dyedurham.ca
Contact: Rosanna Conteduca
Kim Hines

Equifax Canada
110 Sheppard Avenue East
Toronto, ON  M2N 6S1
Phone: 800-427-6793
Fax: 800-263-5582
Email: paul.lefevre@equifax.com
Contact: Paul Le Fevre
Deepa Ravivarma

Groupecho Canada Inc.
1 Place Laval
Laval, QC  H7N 1A1
Phone: 800-363-2809
Fax: 800-567-7731
Internet: www.groupecho.com
Email: service@groupecho.com
Contact: Daniel Gratton
Language of Service: English, French

Idealogic PDS Inc.
105 Victoria Street, Suite 408
Toronto, ON  M5C 3B4
Phone: 416-506-9900
866-506-9900 (toll free)
Fax: 416-506-0700
866-506-0700 (toll free)
Internet: idealogic.com
Email: Jim.Sturdy@idealogic.com
Contact: James F. Sturdy, President
Language of Service: English, French

JCLD Online
16-1375 Southdown Road, Suite 322
Mississauga, ON  L5J 2Z1
Phone: 905-403-8000
Fax: 905-408-8001
Email: request@jcld.com
Contact: Laurie Fenos
Language of Service: English

Legal Link Corporation
60 Adelaide Street East, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON  M5C 3E4
Phone: 877-207-5465
Fax: 800-461-6817
Internet: oncorp.com (formerly cyberbahngroup.ca)
Email: info@legallink.ca
Contact: Lauren Ferry
Language of Service: English

OnCorp Direct Inc.
313-1033 Bay Street
Toronto, ON  M5S 3A5
Phone: 888-577-9177
Fax: 416-923-1077
Internet: www.oncorp.com
Contact: Nelson Coombs
Language of Service: English, French

110 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 303
Toronto, ON  M2N 6Y8
Phone: 416-225-5511
Fax: 416-227-5414
Email: request@ppsacanada.com
Contact: Frank Heisler
Language of Service: English, French

Registry=Recovery Inc.
1551 The Queensway
Toronto, ON  M8Z 1T8
Phone: 416-251-9660
Fax: 416-253-3612
Internet: www.registriesonline.com
Email: info@registriesonline.com
Contact: Sally Cavita
Julius J. Spira
Language of Service: English

The Search Company, Inc.
720 - 25 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, ON  M5C 3A1
Phone: 416-979-5858
Fax: 416-979-5857
Email: info@thesearchcompany.com
Contact: Gabor Horvath
Language of Service: English, French

Solutions Corporate Law Clerk Services Inc.
67 Yonge Street, Suite 701
Toronto, ON  M5E 1J8
Phone: 416-362-0223
888-362-2575 (Canada & U.S.A.)
Fax: 416-362-0205
Internet: www.solutionslaw.com
Email: lawclerks@solutionslaw.com
Contact: Donna Kubota, President
Giovanna Caruso, Vice-President
Adriana Pincente, Paralegal
Language of Service: English



Western Canada

Canada Search & Registry
Phone: 604-777-5436
Fax: 604-608-4994
Email: virginia@csrcorp.ca
Contact: Virginia Prasad, Office Manager

Canadian Securities Registration Systems
4126 Norland Avenue, Suite 200
Burnaby, BC  V5G 3S8
Phone: 604-637-4000
Fax: 604-637-4001
Internet: www.csrs.ca
Email: Customer Care Department
Language of Service: English, French

Dye & Durham Company Inc.
734 Broughton Street, Main Floor
Victoria, BC  V8W 1E1
Phone: 800-665-6211
Fax: 250-953-1717
Email: mshaw@dyedurhambc.com
Contact: Michael Shaw

Groupecho Canada Inc.
10335 172 Street, Suite 310
Edmonton, AB  T5S 1K9
Phone: 888-221-3970
Fax: 877-273-3329
Internet: www.groupecho.com
Email: kohara@groupecho.com
Contact: Karen O’hara
Language of Service: English, French

Terio Solutions Inc.
38 Wallace Place
Delta, BC  V4M 3V2
Internet: www.iSearchPPSA.ca
Language of Service: English, French



Northern Canada

Austring, Fendrick & Fairman
3081 3rd Avenue
Whitehorse, YT  Y1A 4Z7
Phone: 867-668-4405
Fax: 867-668-3710
Internet: lawyukon.com
Language of Service: English

Barrett Law
301-303 Alexander Street
Whitehorse, YT  Y1A 2L5
Phone: 867-456-7775
Fax: 855-817-7356
Email: jocelyn@barrettlaw.ca
Language of Service: English

Lackowicz & Hoffman
Barristers & Solicitors
300, 204 Black Street
Whitehorse, YT  Y1A 4M8
Phone: 867-668-5252
Fax: 867-668-5251
Email: corporate@yukonlaw.com
Language of Service: English

Lamarche & Lang
505 Lambert Street
Whitehorse, YT  Y1A 4Z7
Phone: 867-456-3300
Language of Service: English

Tucker Carruthers
301-303 Alexander Street
Whitehorse, YT  Y1A 2L5
Phone: 867-667-2099
Fax: 867-667-2109
Contact: Kyle J. Carruthers
Language of Service: English