On Tuesday, February 23th, the Northwest Territories Enterprise Debtor Name Search will be changed to increase the number of close matches for searches involving French-language spellings, abbreviations and acronyms for Northwest Territories. The change will become effective at 00:15 A.M. Mountain time.

For purposes of close (inexact) matching, the Enterprise Debtor Name Search ignores words that the system defines as common and mandatory business words. This change will add "Territoires du Nord-Ouest" , its most common abbreviations and acronyms to the list of common and mandatory business words which already includes "Northwest Territories", "NT", and "NWT". The French-language abbreviations and acronyms for "Territoires du Nord-Ouest" that will now be ignored for the purpose of matching are "TN-O", "T.N-O", "T.NO", and "T.N.O.".


  • Prior to this change, if an Enterprise Debtor Name Search included "TERRITOIRES DU NORD-OUEST" "TN-O", "T.N-O", "T.NO", or "T.N.O." in the search criteria, then the registered enterprise debtor name must contain those words in order to be returned as a close or exact match. For example, an Enterprise Debtor Name Search using the criteria "AUBERGE DES TERRITOIRES DU NORD-OUEST" or "AUBERGE DES TN-O" would not match enterprise debtor names like "AUBERGE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES" and "AUBERGE HELENE". After this change, the same search criteria will list those enterprise debtor names as close matches.
  • One of the primary applications of this rule pertains to numbered companies. A numbered company name includes a numeric value plus the full name of the territory ("NORTHWEST TERRITORIES"), or a previously-permitted territory name or reference such as "NT". Prior to this change, an Enterprise Debtor Name Search using the criteria "1234 TERRITOIRES DU NORD-OUEST" or "1234 T.NO " would not match "1234 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES INC" or "1234 NT LTD". After this change, the same search criteria of "1234 TERRITOIRES DU NORD-OUEST" or "1234 T-NO" will match those enterprise debtor names as close matches plus any other registered enterprise debtor names containing the word "1234" such as "1234 NWT INC".

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Client Support Centre at 1-855-324-2265 (ACOL).